Past 5 years
Neubert, M.a, Kleinstäuber, M., & Garland, E. (2023). Does it hurt? And is it stressful? – Pain perception in response to the cold pressor task in individuals with chronic pain. 17th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, 23-26th August, Vancouver (Canada). [poster presentation]
Kleinstäuber, M., Muñoz, K., Searchfield, G., van den Berg, O., Walentynowicz, M., White, K., & Probst, T. (2023). Predicting the transition from acute to chronic disabling tinnitus. 17th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, 23-26th August, Vancouver (Canada). [paper presentation]
Kleinstäuber, M., Muñoz, K., Searchfield, G., van den Berg, O., Walentynowicz, M., White, K., & Probst, T. (2023). Predicting the transition from acute to chronic disabling tinnitus. 44th Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions, 26-29th April, Phoenix (AZ). [poster presentation]
Studer, S.c, Kleinstäuber, M., Weise, C. (2023). Photovoice – through photographs to feelings. Does Photovoice facilitate experience reporting compared to a writing and a control group? A randomized controlled trial. 17th International Conference on Positive Psychology and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, 18-19 September 2023, Lisbon, Portugal (transferred from in person into virtual conference) [paper presentation]
Jespersen, C.c, Frølund Pedersen, H., Gormsen, L., Kleinstäuber, M., Ladekjær Larsen, E., Andersen, A. (2023). A qualitative study of existential dimension in functional somatic disorder. 10th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM), 15-17th June, Wroclaw (Poland). [paper presentation]
Studer, S.c, Kleinstäuber, M., Weise, C. (2023). Photovoice – Von den Fotos zu den Gefühlen. Erleichtert Photovoice den Erlebnisbericht im Vergleich zu einer Schreib- und einer Kontrollgruppe? Eine randomisiert-kontrollierte Studie [Photovoice – through photographs to feelings. Does Photovoice facilitate experience reporting compared to a writing and a control group? A randomized controlled trial.]. 2. Deutscher Psychotherapie Kongress, 10th-13th May 2023, Berlin (Germany). [poster presentation]
Weise, C., Kleinstäuber, M., Andersson, G., Strahler, J., & Kaiser, G. (2022). Die Efficacy of a cognitive behavioral intervention for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder [Wirksamkeit einer kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutischen Intervention bei prämenstrueller dysphorischer Störung]. Deutscher Psychotherapiekongress 2022, June 7-11th, 2022, Berlin (Germany). [paper presentation]
Huesing, P., Smakowski, A., Loewe, B., Kleinstaeuber, M., Toussaint, A., Shedden-Mora, M. (2023). A research matrix for systematic reviews of psychological risk factors of persistent somatic symptoms [Eine Forschungsmatrix fuer systematische Reviews zu psychologischen Risikofaktoren bei persistierenden somatischen Symptomen (PSY-PSS)]. Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, May 3-5th, 2023, Berlin Germany. [paper presentation]
Kleinstäuber, M., Garland, E., Sanyer, M., & Barke, A. (2022). Patient’s endorsement of a biopsychosocial model of chronic pain – A predictor of patient’s readiness to engage in multidisciplinary pain management. 39th International Association of the Study of Pain (IASP) World Congress on Pain, 19-23th September 2022, Toronto (Canada). [poster presentation]
Kleinstäuber, M. (2022). Opportunities and challenges of the implementation of the ICD-11 pain classification in the clinical routines of an interdisciplinary persistent pain service in NZ. 39th International Association of the Study of Pain (IASP) World Congress on Pain, 19-23th September 2022, Toronto (Canada). [paper presentation]
Hennemann, S., Böhme, K., Kleinstäuber, M., Baumeister, H., Ebert, D. D., Küchler, A.-M., Ebert, D. D. & Witthöft, M. (2022). Internetbasierte KVT für belastende Körperbeschwerden (iSOMA): Ergebnisse einer randomisiert kontrollierten Studie bei Studierenden. 1. Mainzer Tagung Studierendengesundheit, 12 July 2022, Mainz (Germany). [paper presentation]
Kleinstäuber, M., Colgan, S., & Petrie, K. J. (2021). Increasing trust as acting mechanism of an educational intervention to improve the pain–relieving effect of generic medicines. 16th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, June 7-11th, 2021, virtual conference. [paper presentation]
Kleinstäuber, M., Schroeder, A., Pallesen, K. J., Weinreich Petersen, M., Rask, C. U., Van den Bergh, O., & Rosmalen, J. (2021). Aetiological understanding of fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome and somatoform disorders: A systematic umbrella review. 16th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, June 7-11th, 2021, virtual conference. [paper presentation]
Neubert, M., Kleinstäuber, M., & Garland, E. (2021). An experimental examination of physiological pain regulation and the buffering effect of social support in patients with chronic pain. 16th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, June 7-11th, 2021, virtual conference. [poster presentation]
Neubert, M., Kleinstäuber, M., & Garland, E. (2021). Physiological pain regulation and the buffering effect of social support in patients with chronic pain. 35. Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, August 23-27 2021. [poster presentation]
Hennemann, S., Böhme, K., Kleinstäuber, M., Baumeister, H., Ebert, D. D., Küchler, A.-M., & Witthöft, M. (2021). Internetbasierte KVT für belastende Körperbeschwerden bei jungen Erwachsenen (iSOMA): Ergebnisse einer randomisiert kontrollierten Studie. 38. Symposium der DGPs Fachgruppe Psychologie und Psychotherapie, May 12-15, 2021, Mannheim, Germany. [poster presentation]
Korwisi, B., Hay, G., Garrido Suarez, B. B., Gowami, S., Joshi, M., Kleinstäuber, M., Treede, R.-D., Rief, W., & Barke, A. (2021) Results of the first phase of the ICE TEA study: Is the ICD‐11 chronic pain classification clinically useful in different middle‐ and high‐income countries? 38. Symposium der DGPs Fachgruppe Psychologie und Psychotherapie, May 12-15, 2021, Mannheim, Germany. [poster presentation]
Neubert, M., Kleinstäuber, M., & Garland, E. (2021). An experimental examination of physiological pain regulation and the buffering effect of social support in patients with chronic pain. 38. Symposium der DGPs Fachgruppe Psychologie und Psychotherapie, May 12-15, 2021, Mannheim, Germany. [poster presentation]
Sarter, L., Rief, W., & Kleinstäuber, M. (2021). Ärztlicher Kommunikationsstil beeinflusst Symptombericht von gesunden Probandinnen: eine randomisierte kontrollierte Studie (RCT). 38. Symposium der DGPs Fachgruppe Psychologie und Psychotherapie, May 12-15, 2021, Mannheim, Germany. [poster presentation]
Gasteiger, C., Jones, A. S. K., Kleinstäuber, M., Lobo, M., Horne, R., Dalbeth, N., & Petrie, K. J. (2019). The effects of message framing on patients’ perceptions and willingness to switch to a biosimilar. 2019 Annual Meeting American College of Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health Professional, November 8-13, 2019, Atlanta, GA, USA [poster presentation]
Gasteiger, C., Jones, A. S. K., Kleinstäuber, M., Lobo, M., Horne, R., Dalbeth, N., & Petrie, K. J. (2019). The effects of message framing on patients’ perceptions and willingness to switch to a biosimilar. New Zealand Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting 2019, September 5-8, 2019, Rotorua, New Zealand. [paper presentation]
Boehme, K., Hennemann, S., Baumeister, H., Bendig, E., Kleinstäuber, M., Ebert, D. D., & Witthoeft, M. (2019). Guided Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Based Internet Intervention (iSOMA) for Somatoform Symptoms: Participant Characteristics and Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial in University Students. 9th World Congress of Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, July 17-20, 2019, Berlin, Germany. [paper presentation]
Rief, W., Schwabe, J., Kleinstäuber, M., Martin, A., Löwe, B., Henningsen, P., Lahmann, C., Schröder, A., & Heider, H. (2019). Enriching Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Emotion Regulation Training for Patients with Medically Unexplained Symptom: Findings of the Multicentre Randomized Controlled ENCERT Trial. 9th World Congress of Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, July 17-20, 2019, Berlin, Germany. [paper presentation]
Boehme, K., Hennemann, S., Baumeister, H., Bendig, E., Kleinstäuber, M., Ebert, D. D., & Witthoeft, M. (2019). Eine KVT-basierte Online-Intervention (iSOMA) für multiple Körperbeschwerden: Studiendesign und erste Ergebnisse zur Feasibility eines RCTs bei Studierenden. 11. Workshopkongress für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie und 37. Syposium der Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie der DGPs, May 29- June 1, 2019, Erlangen, Germany. [paper presentation]
Senger, K., Heider, J., Schröder, A., Kleinstäuber, M., & Witthoeft, M. (2019). New method: Network analysis of medically unexplained symptoms of somatization disorder. 11. Workshopkongress für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie und 37. Syposium der Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie der DGPs, May 29- June 1, 2019, Erlangen, Germany. [poster presentation]
Sarter, L., Heider, J., Schenkel, S., Witthoeft, M., Rief, W., & Kleinstäuber, M. (2019). Systematisches Review zu Prädiktoren des Therapieerfolgs in der kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie für medizinisch unerklärte Körperbeschwerden – erste Ergebnisse. 11. Workshopkongress für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie und 37. Syposium der Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie der DGPs, May 29- June 1, 2019, Erlangen, Germany. [poster presentation]
Kleinstäuber, M. & MacKrill, K. (2019). Does rebranding improver the response to generics? Innovations in Health Psychology Conference, March 31-April 5, 2019, Waiheke, New Zealand. [paper presentation]
Hennemann, S., Boehme, K., Baumeister, H., Bendig, E., Kleinstäuber, M., Ebert, D. D., & Witthoeft, M. (2019). Wirksamkeit einer KVT-basierten Online-Intervention (iSOMA) fuer chronische Koerperbeschwerden: Ergebnisse eines RCTs bei Studierenden. Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, March 20-22, 2019, Berlin Germany. [paper presentation]
Murray, A., Pertiwi, Y., Faasse, K., Gyasi-Gyamerah, A., Kleinstäuber, M., Helfer, S., Asati, H. A., Minza, W. M., O’Brien, K., Ocansey, R. T., Odue, G., Oikawa, M., Papp-Yipernovszky, O., Patria, B., Seligman, L., Yeung, V., & Geers, A. (2019). A cross-cultural study of affect and engagement in physical activity. 2019 Society of Personality and Social Psychology, February 7-9, 2019, Portland, OR, USA. [poster presentation]
[1] Shared first authorship
[2] Shared first authorship